Friday, December 10, 2010

Kreator : Coma of Souls Album Review

In 1990 i was  given a cassette  tape  by a friend at school  it was  by a German thrash band Kreator , My only perception of  metal  was Guns and Roses - Appetite For Destruction and  boy  was i  in for a shock  when i pressed play  my ears stood on their ends  ,It was a sonic  assault that  invaded my virgin eardrums and after a few listens i was transfixed with  awe at the full on  bombardment of  speed not to mention  the  songwriting . Kreator won a fan that day  and 20 years later sitting here writing this nothing has changed except my respect which keeps  growing .It is an honor  to write a review for  this album  it opened my eyes to the world of non commercial music it is with utmost honor i present Coma of Souls

1 When The Sun Burns Red    5:31
2 Coma Of Souls 4:18
3 People Of The Lie 3:15
4 World Beyond 2:03
5 Terror Zone 5:57
6 Agents Of Brutality 5:17
7 Material World Paranoia 5:01
8 Twisted Urges 2:46
9 Hidden Dictator 4:50
10 Mental Slavery 5:43

1-When The Sun Burns Red : Slow acoustic intro that lasts for about a minute then  it  breaks into a thrash metal free for all   and Mille's  hallowing scream  comes into  existence  a  great  song  about  the suns eventual demise which is something you don't consider too often in a lifetime  Fast Rhythm and drum work., Mille's voice is  unique he has airy and aggressive vocals. .An awesome opener  this track.   is very heavy and intensive,

2-Coma Of Souls :  The track  starts out with  a flutter of  drum  high hat hits that invites   the guitars  into the song  which produce a great riff the song is  packed with heaps of  guitar riffs and solos ,Ventors drum work is pretty solid also there are a few tempo changes which  is used for vocal statements this song will have  you rocking in  no time  the vocals are once again  energetic .Great song  Mille's songwriting  is   top notch  he  has a sincere way of  bringing a metaphysical  perspective to  a thrash song

3-People Of The Lie : Catchy   the content as a collective  is brilliant  they  pull of yet another awesome song the guitar solo work is probably the best on the  whole album it is very technical, catchy and melodic Mille reaches some great heights  vocally again and Ventor does some incredible double kicking work late in the song also

4-World Beyond : Comes into existence  at a furious pace when  the drum kicks in all hell breaks loose Mille delivers a good singing performance here this song is short and sweet  its just  pure thrash    great  solos intense speed  a  catchy song with  balls, this is what Kreator do best this song  rapes

5-Terror Zone : Best song on the album for me  it's just incredible. It starts off with a slow, but sweet melodic harmony , and it  continues on with a great heavy mid-tempo part, and  Then around the 4 minute mark a fast insane solo war is played by Mille and Frank. . The guitar work is tight, precise  a onslaught of wild dualing solos and riffs over merciless and punishing drum beats, and the song ends with the opening melodic riff from the beginning.this song  really shows you that  this band  can  play quality music  at any pace its a beautiful song

6- Agents Of Brutality :  This song Starts really slow with another mighty scream by Mille  and  the guitar work comes into play  After the Intro the song gets faster. this song is highlighted by more of Mille's intense vocals, as well as more aggressive  riffs and angry, frantic drum work, and there's also two very memorable guitar solos especially the solo by Mille around 3:10, and the solo by Frank over some great double bass drumming around 4:01 is awesome as well.

7- Material World Paranoia  :  Enters with some complex drum work and power chords, this is also followed by a solo section. Once again the thrashing is in high-speed, Great song good drums  great guitars the band  just are in the zone picking off great solos and riffs lyrically this  song is about the destruction  that man has placed on itself corporations dominate earth  its slavery begins at birth here's bad ass songs about bold confronting facts and this was in the start of the 90s

8- Twisted Urges :  Has a awesome intro  just really different sounding from the rest of the album the mid song  riff  is  just  insane  the guitar work is  second to none  once again  it  just  blows me away  i start  doing slow head nods  mid song what a thrash fest . I think Liz Fritzel would find this song disturbing its a  thrash song about  rape and  sodomy  a fathers twisted urges that  he uses on his daughter and the downward spiral  that  follows  and the ultimate destruction the inner torment leads to , Her father's twisted urges drove her to the end

9- Hidden Dictator : Another  song  that has the band all putting in a great performance the song  for me is probably the filler track a little bit weak compared to  the rest of the album  though  i do like the  songwriting i think  Mille is talking about the mind  as the hidden dictator or could it be god that's why i like his  lyrics it always gets me thinking

10 -Mental Slavery : The  metaphysical  songwriting continues and  the beat  and riffs in this are really  catchy once again  it leaves you wondering about the plight of our fellow brothers and sisters

Just one of a million slaves
An expendable commodity
This song's for those who serve
The system of terror
That rules the earth
The outro is awesome and it closes the album   off  nicely you know  that its the last track.

Conclusion : Coma of Souls  left its mark on me  its a powerful  grab your balls album that takes no prisoners  but can also be in parts melodic and beautiful  and not to mention thought provoking .The highlight of the album is the song writing  and the kick ass guitar solos that  are prevalent in every song. For me  this is a solid listen  the only gripe i have with the  album is the production there is no bass whatsoever  but  having  said that the sound is very sharp. This album is a  must for any  thrash metal fan  these guys are the  best thrash band to come out of  Europe period. What Kreator have left is a huge wall for other bands to scale their legacy will forever live on  7.5 / 10

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