Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Franz Bardon's Work On The Magic Mirror

 This topic is an interesting one although i don't profess to have made a mirror before ( i use a crystal ball for divination  ) only because  (1) I haven't reached step eight yet in my self development and (2) I  have a few  reservations mainly how stable is mercury and quicksilver , Its not safe in fluorescent lights or dental fillings. So of the two formulas  use the one without the  mercury if possible , another  thing also to consider carefully  is Magic Mirrors are a gateway or portal that  can let just as much in as well as out for anything on the astral sphere. I know it sounds overboard and i am  giving you the worse case scenarios to weigh up , only because a cautious approach should be taken into the unexplored/unknown. Magic Mirrors are not a game and Bardon  does not explain  the mirror in his book  till step eight which  pretty much tells you how  much development needs to be spent on the  individuals being before trying to attempt using these devices . I remember Poke Runyon once talking about  the  dangers of Magic Mirrors but for those of you  that  wish to know more  here is the exact  text from Initiation Into Hermetics by the great man himself which also can  be found online here

                                          Preparation of a Solid Fluid Condenser ~ 
Since in the next step I am going to describe the genuine mirror magic, the practical handling
of the magic mirror, I shall teach the magician how to construct a magic mirror by himself.
To manage this, he needs a sold fluid condenser that consists of seven metals. These are:
Lead  ~ 1 part
Tin ~ 1 part
Iron ~ 1 part
Gold ~ 1 part
Copper ~ 1 part
Brass ~ 1 part
Silver ~ 1 part
Aloe Resin ~ 1 part
Animal Charcoal ~ 3 parts
Mineral Coal ~ 3 parts
The different parts are by volume, not weight. All ingredients must be pulverized. The metals
can be filed. Put all the ingredients together and mix well to obtain a real solid fluid
The Electrum Magicum of the old alchemists is a superb fluid condenser composed of:
30 grams of gold
30 grams of silver
15 grams of copper
6 grams of tine
5 grams of lead
3 grams of iron
15 grams of mercury
As one can see, it contains all the planetary metals, and from this alloy magic mirrors, bells
and similar object have been made.
                                   Preparation of Magic Mirrors ~
Two kinds of magic mirrors exist: the concave mirror and the flat mirror. Normal mirrors are
suitable for both kinds, which must be spread with silver-amalgam or black lacquer, or
covered with a liquid or a solid fluid condenser. For our magic purpose the ones mentioned
before are of special value, and I will describe the production of these mirrors on the basis of
some examples.
1. For the magic mirrors produced in the simplest way, with the help of a condenser, the
surface of any mirror or of a glass bowl will be suitable. It must only be spread with a liquid
or a solid fluid condenser.
2. Cut a circular disk from a pasteboard 8-20 inches in diameter, the size depending on how
big you want the mirror to be. Now cut the same disk from a piece of blotting or filter paper,
moisten or spread it evenly several times with a painting brush or a swab of cotton wool until
it is saturated with the fluid condenser and let it dry. Glue the blotting paper onto the
pasteboard disk, wait until dry, and the mirror is ready to use. Everybody will certainly be
able to construct a mirror like this. Supposing somebody does not like the circular form, he
may choose an oval or angular shape. You can put the mirror into a frame if you like. The
fluid condenser that is required here can be the simple one, but the compound condenser is
more recommended.
3. The procedure of the third method is exactly the same, but here you have to cover the
surface of the impregnated blotting paper with a very thin layer of colorless lacquer and strew
the entire surface with the pulverized solid fluid condenser. You can use a fine sieve. A mirror
that is ready for use immediately after drying is the best because it contains both of the fluid
condensers and is therefore especially useful for practice.
4. The preparation of a parabolic or concave mirror is not complicated. Procure a curved glass
such as is used for large clocks. An evaporation bowl will serve the purpose too. Spread the
outside several times with black lacquer that contains acetone; it dries very fast. If you want
the mirror for optical clairvoyance, it will be sufficient to put it in a black wooden frame and
the mirror is ready. But if you want to cover it with a fluid condenser you have to paint the
inside with a thin layer of colorless lacquer and spread the solid fluid condenser on top of it
and let it dry.
5. If you would like to produce a magic concave glass mirror and you cannot obtain the
concave glass, take instead carved wood or a piece of pasteboard that is easy to work with
after moistening it, or use plaster. The plaster must be mixed with a liquid fluid condenser to
render the mass pliant. Now form the mirror and allow it to dry slowly so that no cracks
appear. If they do, smear them over and let the shape dry again. Polish the completed shape of
the mirror with fine sandpaper to remove rough spots, and spread the surface of the mirror
with colorless lacquer, sprinkle the condenser through a sieve on top of the varnish, and let it
dry. You can cover the edge and back with black lacquer. The mirror is now completed.
As a matter of fact, such a homemade mirror happens to be more effective magically than the
one made from glass because it contains two very efficacious fluid condensers, the solid and
the liquid one. The only disadvantage is that such a mirror is heavy and breaks easily.

So now that has been  done there is only one more book that i recommend for this  subject  which is called How To Make  And Use Magic Mirrors by Nigel.R.Clough  to which the digital version link can be found here and please if  these books help you out consider giving a donation to the author or buy their works. Now you may ask your self what can i possibly add to Bardons formula nothing much  but what you can do is apply his charging techniques to your magic mirror. When i was reading a book on crystal balls  to which  it explains how to purify , consecrate and treat your crystal ball , instantly i thought about the process which could be applied successfully to  your Magic Mirror to protect , strengthen  the already sound advice from Bardon. That book  is called Crystal Vision Through Crystal Gazing by FRATER ACHAD to which the online link can be found here and once again if these books help you out please help out the author by obtaining a physical copy. the technique is as follows 

First place the crystal on a slender cup-like stand. (One may usually be obtained
with the crystal in the first instance.) This stand should be placed on the surface of a
small table, which has previously been carefully cleansed, and from which all other
objects have been removed.
We may either stand or sit before this table, within easy reach of the  crystal
while we perform the first step towards the purification of our material basis.  NextCrystal Vision Through Crystal Gazing
place the tips of the fingers of both hands together, the thumbs being also joined, so as
to form a circle -- symbol of infinity but also of a limitation or boundary -- then
concentrate the attention on this circle until you clearly imagine, or actually feel, a film
of fine astral matter, like the film of a soap-bubble, formed of the fine substance of your
own astral and etheric bodies, spreading over the hollow space between your hands. As
in the former instance, when your whole attention was turned within, this film should
represent to you the highest and purest of which you are capable. A film of such purity
that it will have the effect of dispelling or banishing every lower influence it contacts.
Having concentrated your mind in this way for a few moments -- and the ease
with which this is accomplished is a good test of your powers as a crystal-gazer -- you
must now slowly move your hands until they are directly above the crystal on the table,
and still keeping your mind firmly fixed on the idea of this pure film of astral matter,
pass your hands down over the crystal, thus causing it, in its turn, to pass clear through
the magnetized circle of your hands.
When your hands reach the table at the base of the stand, they should be drawn
apart, thus breaking the "film" and leaving the crystal above demagnetized of all that is
of a lower vibration than your own highest ideal. It is then like a blank talisman, or a
thing without life. If this first step has been successfully accomplished, the crystal will
now give an impression of perfect ’cleanliness,’ or that is the best description one can
give of the proper result obtained by the process of purification. It must on no account
be touched at this stage of the work.
The next process is to charge it with your own magnetism, thus consecrating it
to the Work you wish to accomplish.

If  the best results are  to be obtained the crystal must now be  consecrated  or
dedicated to the special mission for which it is destined. This mission is a very
important one, much greater than we at first imagined perhaps, for it is no less than that
of  representing to the seer his own Soul in the pure condition to which he aspires to
bring it. For that reason, his material basis, the crystal, must never be used for any but
the highest purposes. It is no longer an ornament that may be placed on the
mantel-shelf, but something he is about to endow with his own life, to charge with his
own highest Will. Thus it becomes something most sacred to him, no longer an object to
be idly handled by the profane any more than he would allow his own innermost
feelings and ideals to be thus roughly used by every passing stranger. This explains the
attitude of the true Seer of the past; it is not so much that the Crystals they used became
objects of superstitious mystery to the ignorant, as this sacred value to the Seer himself,
which caused them to be so carefully preserved. Once we understand this, we shall
adopt the right attitude towards our studies from the very start.
How then must we accomplish the Consecration of our Small Crystalline
Sphere?The Lesser Crystalline Sphere
Leaving it just where it stands on the table before us we must next place the tips
of our fingers and thumbs together, very much as before, but this time allowing them to
form a perfect equilateral  triangle. Our hands should be held in this position over the
crystal, while we strongly concentrate our minds on the idea that a positive current  is
flowing from them down into the crystal. This current must again represent our highest
aspiration in its purest form, but directed this time by our True Will. When we fairly
feel this current flowing from our hands, they should be passed gently over the crystal --
still  forming the triangle as before but gradually allowing the palms to encircle the
globe, without actually touching it; then, when we feel impressed to do so as by an
unseen force, we should gently but firmly grasp the crystal itself, lifting it from its
stand, and allowing our hands to pass all over its surface. All this while the mind must
be kept in the highest possible condition of pure aspiration, as if we were giving our
very life to this object, as indeed we are, for it now becomes more than a mere symbol
of dead matter, it lives, and we have brought it to birth as a child of our Will.
Henceforth it must be treated as such, as a sacred instrument, dedicated and consecrated
to the service of the Highest.
And here a warning is necessary, though it will not be needed by the aspirant to
this Art who has followed the directions hitherto given in the right spirit. This warning
was also given by an earlier writer on this subject, John Melville, he writes:
"A sure and certain law exists, viz: - That if the seer’s purpose be evil when he or
she uses the crystal or mirror, it will  react upon the seer sooner or later with terrible
effect; wherefore all are strictly cautioned to be good and do good only."
This may sound rather like Sunday-school talk, but when explained in the light
of the principles I have set forth above, it becomes clear, for we thereby charge the body
of our "child" -- the crystal -- with a force which must inevitably return to us as its
creator, quite apart from any question of outside influence from "beings" on other
But he again reminds us that "The aerial spaces are  thronged with countless
intelligences -- celestial,  good, pure, true,  and the  reverse. The latter have  force:  the
former possess power. To reach the good ones, the heart of the gazer must correspond,
and they should be invoked with prayerful feelings. There are innumerable multitudes
of the  bad  on the confines of Matter  and  Spirit.  These malign forces are many and
terrible; but they can never reach the soul that relies on God in perfect faith, and which
only Invokes the Good, the Beautiful, and True for noble purposes."
Here we have many fresh ideas that need to be dealt with more fully in their
proper place, but the advice is good, and the warning necessary to those who, with the
best intentions, may through ignorance of their own nature, and that of the Universe in
which they live and move and have their being, imprudently attract to themselves forces
of evil too great for them to withstand, thus bringing about obsession, madness or even
worse, through use of wrong methods.

This stage in the process of the preparation Of our crystal has been partially
accomplished in the previous section of the work. We have really CONSECRATED the
object by determining to use it only for the one work before us and for no other purpose,
and we have at least partially INITIATED it by charging it with our own Will and Life.
Initiation means a  beginning and we shall have made a good beginning If the above
instructions have been carefully and faithfully followed. An elaborate ceremony might
have been adopted, but since we are ourselves only making a beginning of the Work,
such a Ceremony, even if described would have appeared cumbersome and unwieldy.
As it is the merest novice has no excuse for neglecting the few simple rules laid down,
which in the end, will be seen to have a far greater importance than is at first imagined.
If we start rightly we shall continue rightly, but a false start practically ruins our
chances of success.
Enough has been accomplished for the moment, and the next step is to leave the
crystal alone  for a short time, not to start to use it immediately. This will be a test of
patience, for one thing, and we shall need all our patience in order to succeed fully.
But, as with a new born babe, we must not leave our crystal unprotected.  It
should be carefully wrapped in a piece of silk obtained for the purpose and likewise
dedicated to that end. Rose-pink is perhaps the best, as if to suggest our pure love of this
"object" we have so carefully prepared. Outside that we might well place "grey" and
finally "black" silk wrappings.

Thank you for reading this post  i am really keen to hear your comments and feedback , If you have made a magic mirror before ,  How did it work out for you? ,  Was your solid condenser mixture altered? Was there any bad experiences?, How has it changed your life? Please feel free to share you experiences with  the community

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